Issues in Independent Living – 100 Blogs

     If a fortune teller had predicted I’d write a blog called The Never-Empty Nest, with 100 posts over a two year period, I’d have called that person crazy.  How could I possibly write about issues related to young adults struggling to leave the family nest...

Feminism – The Sound and Fury

      Despite harassment and on-line abuse, feminist writers will NOT go gently into the night. Last week The Washington Postran an on-line article about prominent female authors, bloggers, and speech makers who have been subjected to hateful name calling and death...

Singing the National Anthem

     As April ends—and with it so-called Autism Awareness month—I thought it would be appropriate to discuss discrimination against people on the spectrum and how it seems to apply to my beloved daughter, Sarah.  Early last month, Sarah auditioned to sing the national...

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