by Marguerite Elisofon | Oct 16, 2015 | Bloomberg, climate control, Congress, Donald Trump, gun control, health care, John Boehner, John McCain, NY Magazine, Paul Ryan, Planned Parenthood, Republicans, social security, Speaker, tantrums, taxes, Tea Party
If I had to pick one word to describe the Republican Party today, I’d choose “no!” And, yes, the exclamation point IS necessary. Perhaps it sounds insulting to compare Republican politicians to a bunch of “terrible” two year olds who prefer to say “no!” if they...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Aug 1, 2014 | 60 Minutes, autism, baby boomers, birth certificate, COLA, disabily payments, entitlement programs, Franklin Roosevelt, insurance companies, lawyers, medicare, New York City, Obama, retirement, social security
Social Security is supposed to be a catch-all financial safety net for retirees and Americans unable to work because of physical or mental disabilities, right? Talk about a misnomer! The truth is there is NOTHING “social” about the service (or lack thereof)....
by Adriane Tillman | Jul 12, 2013 | ADHD, age 65, aging, Beatles songs, birthdays, college, family issues, golden years, law firms, life insurance, milestones, mortality, parenting, retirement, senior citizens, social security, twins, young adults
For the past year, my husband, Henry, has been humming the Beatles’ song, “When I’m 64.” In a profound state of anxiety, he sings: When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now, will you still be sending me a valentine, birthday greetings, bottle...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Jul 12, 2013 | ADHD, age 65, aging, Beatles songs, birthdays, college, family issues, golden years, law firms, life insurance, milestones, mortality, parenting, retirement, senior citizens, social security, twins, young adults
For the past year, my husband, Henry, has been humming the Beatles’ song, “When I’m 64.” In a profound state of anxiety, he sings: When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now, will you still be sending me a valentine, birthday greetings, bottle...