Marguerite Elisofon

Autism Mom and Author of

My Picture Perfect Family

Marguerite Elisofon

Autism Mom and Author of

My Picture Perfect Family

My Picture Perfect Family

What Happens When One Twin Has Autism

On December 26th, 1990 Marguerite Elisofon gave birth to twins: Samantha and Matthew. They soon learned that Samantha was on the autistic spectrum, and most “experts” weren’t optimistic about her chances for leading a normal life. But Marguerite and her family refused to accept these limitations. Twenty-three challenging years later, Samantha graduated from college . . . cum laude! My Picture Perfect Family tells their courageous story. It’s a tale of unconditional love, a portrait of authentic parenthood, and a message of hope to all families. Learn more

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“An inherently compelling, exceptionally well written, instructively candid, and ultimately inspiring personal story.

Midwest Book Review

Just finished your book and I want more. It’s amazing. You are a true Pioneer mother warrior.

Jenny McCarthy

Model, TV Personality, Author

Ask An Autism Mom

Does your child need: speech therapy, ABA, occupational therapy, floor time, auditory integration training, vision and cognitive development therapy, or Equine and other movement therapies? How can you know which approach will work best for your child? If you need help with your autism journey, learn more about my consulting services.

My Never Empty Nest

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About Marguerite

Marguerite Elisofon is a New York City writer and the author of My Picture Perfect Family, a memoir about how her family navigated life with a child on the autistic spectrum before the internet and support groups existed. She also blogs about parenting young adults and disability related issues in The Never Empty Nest. Her writing has appeared in a variety of publications, including: Time, NY Metro Parents Magazine, Ability, and Autism Parenting magazine. Her family’s story has been featured by the NY Post, Fox News, and on Jenny McCarthy’s Dirty Sexy Funny radio show. A Vassar graduate, Marguerite was born and raised in New York City, where she still lives with her husband, Howard, in their mostly-empty nest. She is available to speak about a wide variety of issues relating to autism, parenting, and twins. Marguerite also offers private consultations to families struggling with autism issues.

About Samantha

Samantha Elisofon is Marguerite’s daughter and the inspiration behind My Picture Perfect Family. Born with developmental disabilities, she was eventually able to graduate from Pace University, cum laude. She is a gifted singer and actress and starred in the award-winning short film Keep the Change, which will be released in 2017.

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