by Marguerite Elisofon | Oct 31, 2014 | candy, cats, costumes, dogs, Ebola, empty nest, Equinox, Ever Ready battery, flamenco dancers, Frozen, Halloween, hazmat suits, Maltese, Michael Jackson, ninjas, Ricky's, Rocky Horror Show, The Addams Family
Just because your kids leave for college doesn’t mean you have to stop celebrating Halloween. You can still put a pumpkin outside and decorate your door with cottony spider-webs or a cardboard skeleton. Greeting trick-or-treaters can still be fun long after your...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Oct 24, 2014 | Andy Warhol, blogs, empty nest, Equinox, Fox 5 News, Huffington Post, internet, Jennifer Lahmers, mommy bloggers, PR firms, Skype, social media. Romper Room, television, trophies, Twitter
How did one mommy blogger get plucked from the many to go on TV and talk about empty nests? I got lucky when Fox 5 news reporter Jennifer Lahmers googled “empty nest blogs,” and voila!“The Never-Empty Nest” popped up on her screen. In true 21st century style,...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Oct 17, 2014 | ADHD, AP courses, autism, college, empty nest, Fox 5 News, freshmen, heart surgery, homework, Landmark College, married couples, nursery school, parents, rugby, SATS, single parents, twins, Vassar
Saying goodbye to your kids when they leave the family nest for college is a deeply emotional experience for most parents. If your son or daughter is a freshman this year, you’re probably still trying to adjust to your new life as an empty nester. All of your...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Oct 3, 2014 | 1950s, autism, breadwinners, caregivers, college grads, empty nest, gender roles, Little League, New York Times, Pace, parenting, rugby, special needs, Stay-Home Fathers, twins, Vassar, working mothers, young adults
When kids leave home, do fathers feel worse than mothers these days? That was the question explored by “Sad Dads in the Empty Nest” in Sunday’s New York Times (9/21/14). According to the article, the empty nest transition for dads has become harder than ever...