Beyond Autism and a Dead Dog on Broadway

     If you haven’t seen the Broadway play “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time,” hurry over to the Ethel Barrymore Theatre and get tickets.  This not-to-be missed show is based on the 2003 award-winning mystery novel by British writer, Mark Haddon. What...

Nest Escape

     What’s the best way for a stressed out mom of difficult kids to escape and find some relief? Short of flying the coop and permanently abandoning your offspring, every mother should avail herself of a temporary release.  Dare I say “me time?” I’m not talking about...

Singing the National Anthem

     As April ends—and with it so-called Autism Awareness month—I thought it would be appropriate to discuss discrimination against people on the spectrum and how it seems to apply to my beloved daughter, Sarah.  Early last month, Sarah auditioned to sing the national...

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