Miracle Milestone

     I wish all the naysayers of the past 23 years could see Sarah now. All those educators and therapists who told me my autistic spectrum daughter would “never be independent and never go to college,” were WRONG.  As of May 21st, Sarah graduated from Pace University...

Singing the National Anthem

     As April ends—and with it so-called Autism Awareness month—I thought it would be appropriate to discuss discrimination against people on the spectrum and how it seems to apply to my beloved daughter, Sarah.  Early last month, Sarah auditioned to sing the national...

Blog Blow Back

     Counting down the days to Max’s graduation,  our phone conversations  cover a lot of territory:  slogging through the last college paper,  enjoying senior week festivities, saying goodbye to friends and my son’s erratic job search.   On our last phone call, Max...

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