Empty Nest Halloween

     Just because your kids leave for college doesn’t mean you have to stop celebrating Halloween. You can still put a pumpkin outside and decorate your door with cottony spider-webs or a cardboard skeleton.  Greeting trick-or-treaters can still be fun long after your...

Newsworthy Nest

     How did one mommy blogger get plucked from the many to go on TV and talk about empty nests?  I got lucky when Fox 5 news reporter Jennifer Lahmers googled “empty nest blogs,” and voila!“The Never-Empty Nest” popped up on her screen.  In true 21st century style,...

Shrinking Down

     Why weren’t psychotherapists included in my lament about all the time and money our family has spent on doctors? (See “Doctored Up,” 6/27/13).  The answer is both simple AND astonishing.  Thanks to the mind-boggling variety of practitioners we affectionately (and...

Nest Escape

     What’s the best way for a stressed out mom of difficult kids to escape and find some relief? Short of flying the coop and permanently abandoning your offspring, every mother should avail herself of a temporary release.  Dare I say “me time?” I’m not talking about...

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