Shrinking Down

     Why weren’t psychotherapists included in my lament about all the time and money our family has spent on doctors? (See “Doctored Up,” 6/27/13).  The answer is both simple AND astonishing.  Thanks to the mind-boggling variety of practitioners we affectionately (and...

Nest Escape

     What’s the best way for a stressed out mom of difficult kids to escape and find some relief? Short of flying the coop and permanently abandoning your offspring, every mother should avail herself of a temporary release.  Dare I say “me time?” I’m not talking about...

When Knees Displease

     If you are a still-youngish baby boomer like me (or if you think of yourself that way), it comes as a shock when body parts start to wear out.  In my case, it’s my knees.  (My left hip clicks occasionally, but I don’t want to think about that just yet).  How dare...

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