by Marguerite Elisofon | May 29, 2015 | 19th amendment, American women, blogs, burkas, family issues, feminism, internet privacy issues, Victorian Era, Virginia Woolf, women's liberation
Does anyone remember Virginia Woolf’s “Angel in the House?” If you think that all-suffering, wife-and-mother-first (me last) Angel is a Victorian Era issue, think again. In 1931, Woolf lectured that “Killing the Angel in the House was part of the...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Mar 6, 2015 | Afghanistan, autism, bad news, bubonic plague, February, feminism, MTA, Muslim extremists, New York, rats, Second Avenue subway, slush, snow, The Gothamist, The New York Times, winter
If you’re wondering when—and if—there’s going to be ANY good news about anything in the world, you can stop now. Yes, it’s true that February ended last week—the coldest February in New York City since 1934, and third coldest EVER. But March is living up to its...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Feb 27, 2015 | abortion, Academy Awards, cyberspace, discrimination, Emily Pao, feminism, ISIS, Jessica Valenti, Lauren Rankin, London, mothers, Patricia Arquette, sexism, Silicon Valley, The Washington Post, Turkey
Despite harassment and on-line abuse, feminist writers will NOT go gently into the night. Last week The Washington Postran an on-line article about prominent female authors, bloggers, and speech makers who have been subjected to hateful name calling and death...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Feb 6, 2015 | 1970s, artists, autism, careers, clutter, college grads, dens, doctors, empty nest, feminism, lawyers, Michelin's guide, pre-mature twins, public relations, publishing, spring cleaning, Vassar, women, writing
Despite our annual spring cleaning ritual— dutifully dragging out industrial-sized garbage bags of each year’s detritus— the Elisofon family nest has accumulated way too much, well, stuff. After over 20 years in the same apartment raising our twins, our nest...