by Marguerite Elisofon | Oct 3, 2014 | 1950s, autism, breadwinners, caregivers, college grads, empty nest, gender roles, Little League, New York Times, Pace, parenting, rugby, special needs, Stay-Home Fathers, twins, Vassar, working mothers, young adults
When kids leave home, do fathers feel worse than mothers these days? That was the question explored by “Sad Dads in the Empty Nest” in Sunday’s New York Times (9/21/14). According to the article, the empty nest transition for dads has become harder than ever...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Feb 14, 2014 | fantasies, feminine, flowers, gender roles, greeting cards, hearts, holidays, masculine, restaurants, roses, sex, Valentine's Day
A close friend assumed I would be writing about Valentine’s Day this week. Actually, I hadn’ t planned on it. Why not? I could see the question on my friend’s face; her expression was puzzled and playful. Immediately, I began thinking about the answer, and...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Dec 13, 2013 | ADHD, autism, bed bugs, best supporting actor, college graduates, executive assistant, gender roles, housekeeping, housemen, millenials, New York Times, Stay-Home Fathers, Wall Street Mothers
These days it seems like more men and women are comfortable switching traditional roles: stay-at-home fathers are enabling working mothers to be the high-powered, bread winners. According to Sunday’s New York Times article, “Wall Street Mothers, Stay-Home...