Hoping, Coping & Letting Go

Hoping, Coping & Letting Go

     In one of my all-time favorite movies, Shawshank Redemption, Red reads a letter from his friend Andy, who escaped from prison after years of being punished for a crime he didn’t commit.  In the letter Andy says: “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things,...

Buried Treasures

         Despite our annual spring cleaning ritual— dutifully dragging out industrial-sized garbage bags of each year’s detritus— the Elisofon family nest has accumulated way too much, well, stuff.  After over 20 years in the same apartment raising our twins, our nest...

Social Insecurity Revisited

     Social Security is supposed to be a catch-all financial safety net for retirees and Americans unable to work because of physical or mental disabilities, right? Talk about a misnomer! The truth is there is NOTHING “social” about the service (or lack thereof)....

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