Mother’s Day Surprise

       When families get together for Hallmark holidays, it’s NOT always hearts and flowers, right? I’m sure there’s a mom or two out there who reached for some Advil or Tums on their special day in response to an unpredictable relative creating drama during Mother’s...

Missing on Mother’s Day

     Mother’s Day, like all feel-good family holidays, is often tainted with some degree of tension and disappointment.  At family gatherings, even in the best case scenario where in-laws get along, there’s usually some friction between other relatives.  Even if...

Blog Blow Back

     Counting down the days to Max’s graduation,  our phone conversations  cover a lot of territory:  slogging through the last college paper,  enjoying senior week festivities, saying goodbye to friends and my son’s erratic job search.   On our last phone call, Max...

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