Double Feature – Different and the Same

Double Feature – Different and the Same

     If anyone had told me that my very different young adult twins would BOTH venture out of our nest into the movie business, I’d have said: “Impossible!”       Max and Sarah are NOT your garden variety fraternal twins, separated only by gender. Sarah’s early...

Maybe Next Year

     Since my daughter Sarah was diagnosed on the autistic spectrum at age one, I’ve fought as hard as any Tiger mom to help her grow up to become as accomplished and independent as possible. Instead of striving for the “American Dream” — including owning our home—...

Empty Nest Dads

     When kids leave home, do fathers feel worse than mothers these days?  That was the question explored by “Sad Dads in the Empty Nest” in Sunday’s New York Times (9/21/14).  According to the article, the empty nest transition for dads has become harder than ever...

Nest Traps

      Why are so many students “drifting through college without a clear sense of purpose” and moving back to the family nest without a job after graduation?  According to a new book, Aspiring Adults Adrift, colleges themselves are the main culprits.  Co-authors and...

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