Empty Nest Dads

     When kids leave home, do fathers feel worse than mothers these days?  That was the question explored by “Sad Dads in the Empty Nest” in Sunday’s New York Times (9/21/14).  According to the article, the empty nest transition for dads has become harder than ever...

Sarah’s Next Fifteen Minutes

     Last summer Sarah co-starred in “Keep the Change,” a short film about two young adults with disabilities who struggle to find a romantic connection. (See “Sarah’s Fifteen Minutes,” 5/10/13).   Written and directed by Columbia University film graduate Rachel...


     Believe it or not, March marks the end of my first year in blogdom, with “The Never Empty Nest.” I’d like to say “what a difference a year makes,” but that would be a lie.   The truth is that while some things have changed—like Max graduating from college and...

Letting Go

     The question of when to let go of our children—how much and how quickly— is extremely challenging. This seems especially true if you have special needs kids, and it becomes even more complicated when you have twins.  All things being equal, most people would...

Now What?

 I should be simply thrilled that my “special needs” daughter, Sarah, is graduating with a BA from Pace University in May. (Knock on wood.). But “simple” is not in my vocabulary, at least not when it comes to Sarah.  Diagnosed on the autistic spectrum with a variety...

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