by Marguerite Elisofon | Mar 27, 2015 | art, baby boomers, careers, Coca Cola, empty nester, Frank McCourt, Golda Meir, Grandma Moses, grandmothers, KFC, late bloomers, music, older athletes, Picasso, retirement, Vassar, writing
It is never too late to be what you might have been. –George Eliot Isn’t it encouraging to know that even if you’re 50, 60 (or possibly older), you still have time become successful in a new career? According to The New York Times, “Finding...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Mar 13, 2015 | "Keep the Change, autism, birthdays, books, Columbia University, disabilities, empty nest, Felicity House, flowers, memoir, middle age, minorities, parents, publishing, twins, women, writing
Birthdays have been coming at breakneck speed these last few years. Time flies—not necessarily because I’m having fun—but because I realize there’s so much less time left for me in the future than the past. (See “Fast Forward Birthdays,” 3/8/13). Each...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Feb 6, 2015 | 1970s, artists, autism, careers, clutter, college grads, dens, doctors, empty nest, feminism, lawyers, Michelin's guide, pre-mature twins, public relations, publishing, spring cleaning, Vassar, women, writing
Despite our annual spring cleaning ritual— dutifully dragging out industrial-sized garbage bags of each year’s detritus— the Elisofon family nest has accumulated way too much, well, stuff. After over 20 years in the same apartment raising our twins, our nest...
by Marguerite Elisofon | Oct 4, 2013 | auditions, Back Stage, college graduates, comedy, digital magazines, employment, entertainment industry, film, media, open mikes, publishing, talent agencies, television, Vassar, videos, writing, YouTube
What will happen to Max—and all the other talented college grads—who want to be in the entertainment business? A lucky and persistent few will succeed. Most will struggle, fail, and give up on their dreams. They’ll take whatever job they can find, or go to...