Empty Nest Moments                       This week’s post was inspired by my son’s move to the West coast where he will start a new job.  Henry and I are excited and proud, but also sad.  It’s the end of an era, and the beginning of the rest of our lives. I’m sure...

Empty Nest Dads

     When kids leave home, do fathers feel worse than mothers these days?  That was the question explored by “Sad Dads in the Empty Nest” in Sunday’s New York Times (9/21/14).  According to the article, the empty nest transition for dads has become harder than ever...

Nest Negotiations

     This week I decided to post my very first book review on The Never-Empty Nest.  What could be more a propos than reviewing Brad Sachs’ Emptying the Nest, about “launching your young adult toward success and self-reliance?”  With my young adult twins half in and...

HIPAA Flaws and Follies

      Who dreamed up a law that prevents parents from access to medical information about their over 18 year-old kids—unless these famously still-adolescent offspring have signed a HIPAA waiver?  I’m betting that in most cases even neurotypical kids want and need...

Nest Shifts

     The way our family lives now has completely changed from ten years ago—but not necessarily for the better.  Ever since New York City started work on a subway for Second Avenue—where unfortunately our nest is located—our quality of life has gone downhill.  Even...

Vacation Prep

     It’s very exciting to be going on vacation with my family to Turkey and Greece for two weeks.  My husband, Henry, meticulously planned all the sightseeing, restaurants and travel arrangements with the same enthusiasm and attention to detail that he gives to...

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