Even though my neLA Timesst is half-empty (because my son, Matt, is in LA), I’m approaching this Mother’s Day bubbling over with excitement and pride over both my twins and the memoir they inspired. Not only that, but Matt’s movie, Being Charlie—co-authored with Nick Reiner and directed by Rob Reiner—opens Friday, May 6th here in NYC! https://www.people.com/article/being-charlie-exclusive-trailer-rob-reiner-nick-robinsonmatt, nick, rob

All week long I’ve been reading emails and Facebook messages from new friends, old friends and classmates I haven’t seen in 40 years, congratulating me on Matt’s movie and planning to go to the premiere. Have I seen the article about Rob and Nick Reiner in People? How about Rob Reiner’s interviews on The View, The Today Show, AP, etc.?  Any mom would be over the moon if her 25 year old offspring had collaborated with Rob Reiner and his son on a film.

But that’s not my only Mother’s Day gift this year. In the past two weeks, my daughter on the autistic spectrum has been interviewed by The New York Post and The Stir.
https://thestir.cafemom.com/healthy_living/197474/i_rarely_share_that_im?ct=the_latest_1  How wonderful that Autism Awareness Month offered Sarah opportunities to speak up and speak out for others with autism! Last weekend, New York 1 (!!) interviewed my daughter and other cast members of DreamStreet (a theater group for adults with disabilities); New York 1 is also planning to film her cabaret performance on May 11th.  Sarah has loved every minute of her hard-earned attention, and her joy is my joy.samantha at sprout

My excitement has been growing ever since the publication of my memoir last month. As part of the book launch for My Picture Perfect Family – What Happens When One Twin Has Autism, I’ve been interviewed by a dozen radio shows, from Jenny Jenny McCarthy and meMcCarthy here in New York, to Maine, Nebraska, North Carolina and California. Without exception, all the radio hosts and media have been kind, curious and extremely complimentary. What more could an autism mom and author want?

My nest runneth over: I’ve had articles in New York Metro News, Time.com, Parent.com, and been featured in The New York Post, https://nypost.com/2016/04/20/my-twin-is-autistic-and-im-not/ Foxnews.com
https://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/04/21/mother-pens-honest-book-about-raising-1-twin-with-autism-1-without.html, The Stir https://thestir.cafemom.com/being_a_mom/197068/10_moms_share_what_they/160443/a_need_to_be_heard/1 and Positively Autism.https://positivelyautism.weebly.com/blog/q-and-a-on-college-independent-living-and-young-adult-issues-with-marguerite-elisofon-author-of-my-picture-perfect-family-what-happens-when-one-twin-has-autism  An excerpt from my book is in the current issue of Ability Magazine. Am I dreaming? Is this really my life or am I just waking up in a sequel to The Twilight Zone in someone else’s body?ability mag excerpt

Wishing mothers everywhere a happy Mother’s Day, my message is: never give up on your dreams for yourself and your family, no matter how far-fetched they may sometimes seem.

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